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Automated Live Cell Imaging & Analytics

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The CellAssist 50

The CellAssist 50

Automated Live Cell Imager

Automated Time Series Imaging of 50 Incubated Plates 24/7

  • The CellAssist 50 is an automated time series cell imaging system with an integrated 50-plate CO2 incubator enabling deep insights into cell and tissue dynamics.

  • The CellAssist Software, the foundation of the cell, and tissue visualization and analysis capabilities, automatically builds a database of images, and metrics including growth rate, confluence, colony counts, and sizes.

  • Up to 50 incubated cell culture plates, each with separate imaging schedules, allow for consistently timed around-the-clock experiments.

Improve Reproducibility, and Accuracy of Your Cell Culture Experiments:

  • Automate Your Time Series Imaging:
    Remotely schedule, execute, and capture time series images of incubated plates at your desired frequency 24/7
  • Increase Productivity:
    Maximize throughput, and capture comprehensive data from up to 50 plates with 100’s of stacks of images per plate
  • Protect User, and Cell Health:
    Robotics enable the automatic loading and unloading of plates without disrupting the incubator’s cell culture environment
  • Image Cells, and Tissues:
    Image adherent cells, suspension cells, and tissues with 1,000’s of images/scan using 100+ focal planes, 2 µm to 50 µm apart (user selected)

Time Series Imaging of up to 50 Plates at 100+ Focal Planes

  • Phase contrast & bright-field; 4x, 10x, and 20x
  • 50 plates, and 100+ focal planes, 2 µm to 50 µm apart (user selected)
  • Superb image registration across scans
  • 6-well through 384-well flat bottom and round bottom cell culture plates
  • Temperature, CO2, and humidity controls
  • 2.5GB to 40GB+ of images, and data per scan

CellAssist 50’s Robust Workflow

Unprecedented Efficiency, and Automation

Captures methods, and
materials to initiate
project through
barcode scanner

The fully
automated plate
mover transports,
and inserts plate for

Acquires, views, and
transmit images to
CellAssist Analysis

The plate mover
removes plate back to
the storage rack for
continued workflow

CellAssist Analysis
compares, and
reports images

Take Your Live Cell Imaging to Many Levels:

Capture up to 30,000 images at 100+ focal planes,
each 2 μm to 50 μm apart, with automated handling
of culture plates, and barcode scanning

Image all the cells in all the wells including at the periphery, and calculate both inner- and outer-well confluency

5-megapixel cameras collect images at 4x, and 10x with
phase contrast, and bright-field, that rival the
resolution, and quality taken at (20x, and 40x) on other

Time-stamped barcode activity logs, and setup condition tools eliminate mislabeling, and crosscontamination

Multiple cameras generate 1,000’s of high resolution image sets of 2.5GB to 40GB+ per scan in minutes


Integrated Solution Protects Your Team and Cell Health:

  • Built-in incubator eliminates time at the inverted microscope enabling the researcher to focus on interpretation data

  • Robotic handling of plates protects cells, and lab personnel

  • Once seeded, and inserted, plate images are automatically captured without user intervention

  • Image an entire plate in less than 10 minutes without disrupting the cell culture environment

The CellAssist Software:

  • A centralized location for storing, and archiving your captured data

  • Remotely view your captured data

  • Generate informed quantitative reports on cell confluency, cell growth, scratch gap area recolonization, and viral plaque counts